
Scientific Publications* (popular science articles are below)

^Carlson, N. V., *Pargeter, H., & Templeton, C.N. (2017). Sparrowhawk movement, calling, and presence of dead conspecifics differentially impact blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) vocal and behavioral mobbing responses. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 133

^ Quirós Guerrero, E., ^Janiero, MJ., Morales, M.L., Cresswell, W. &  Templeton, C.N. (2017). Riverside wren pairs jointly defend their territories against simulated intruders.  Ethology 123: 949–956

^Rivera-Cáceres, K.D., ^Quirós-Guerrero, E.,  Araya-Salas, M., Templeton, C.N., & Searcy, W.A. (2018). Early development of vocal interaction rules in a duetting songbird. Royal Society Open Science 5: 171791



^Rivera-Cáceres, K.D. & Templeton, C.N. (2018). A duetting perspective on avian song learning.  Behavioral Processes. Special Issue on Avian song learning. in press.

^Jones, N. A., Webster, M., Templeton, C. N., Schuster, S., & Rendell, L. (2018). Presence of an audience and consistent interindividual differences affect archerfish shooting behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 141, 95-103.

Boogert, N.J., Lachlan, R.F., Spencer, K.A., Templeton, C.N., & Farine, D.R. (2018). Stress hormones, social associations and song learning in zebra finches. Philosophical Transacations of the Royal Society B . 373, 20170290

Templeton, C.N. (2018). Animal Communication: Learning by listening about danger. Current Biology 28, R892-R894

Carlson, N.V., Healy, S.D., & Templeton, C.N. (2018). Mobbing Current Biology. 28, R1075–R1095

^Carlson, N.V., Healy, S.D., & Templeton, C.N. (2017). Hoo are you? Tits do not respond to novel predators as threats. Animal Behaviour 128: 79-84

Templeton, C.N., *Philp, K., Guillette, L.M., Laland, K.N., & Benson-Amram, S. (2017). Sex and pairing status impact how zebra finches use social information in foraging. Behavioral Processes 139: 38-42

^Carlson, N.V., Healy, S.D., & Templeton, C.N. (2017). A comparative study of how British tits encode predator threat in their mobbing calls. Animal Behaviour 125: 77-92

Templeton, C.N., Zollinger, S.A., & Brumm, H. (2016). Traffic noise drowns out great tit alarm calls. Current Biology 26: R1173-R1174

Templeton, C.N., (2016). Name that tune: Melodic recognition by songbirds. Learning and Behaviour 44: 305-306


Templeton, C.N. & ^Carlson, N.V. (2019). Communication Networks. p568-580 in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (2nd ed). Choe, J., ed.

^Carlson, N.V., Healy, S.D., &  Templeton, C.N.  (2019) Wild fledgling tits do not mob in response  to conspecific or heterospecific mobbing calls.  Ibis.


^Jones, N. A., Webster, M., Newport, C., Templeton, C. N., Schuster, S., & Rendell, L. (2020). Cognitive styles: speed-accuracy trade-offs undelie individual differences in archerfish. Animal Behaviour, 160, 1-14.

^Carlson, N.V., Greene, E., &  Templeton, C.N.   Nuthatches vary their alarm calls based upon the source of the eavesdropped signals.  Nature Communications: 11, 1-7



^Swift K.N., Marzluff J.M, Templeton C.N., Shimizu T. & Cross D.J.  Brain activity underlying American crow processing of encounters with dead conspecifics. Behavioural Brain Research, 385:112546

Chan, L.M. *Eng, W. *Hergert, B. *Osbrink-McInroy, A., & Templeton C.N. Lithobates castebeianus (American Bullfrog) Diet. Herpetological Review (in press)

^ Quirós – Guerrero, E.,  ^ Janeiro, M.J., Cresswell, W.  & Templeton, C.N .  Evidence of repertoire sharing and stability despite a high turnover rate in a duetting neotropical wren.  Journal of Avian Biology 51 doi:10.1111/jav.02382

^Carlson, N.V., Healy, S.D., &  Templeton, C.N . What makes a 'community informant' ?  Reliability and anti-predator signal eavesdropping across mixed-species flocks of tits. Animal Behavior and Cognition  7 (2), 214-246

*Osbrink, A., *Meatte, M.A., *Tran, A., *Herranen, K.K., *Meek, L, *Murakami-Smith, M., *Ito, J., *Bhadra, S. *Nunnenkamp, C., & Templeton, C.N. Traffic noise inhibits cognitive performance in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 20202851


^ Quirós-Guerrero, E., ^Rivera-Cáceres, K.D, ^ Janeiro, M.J., Cresswell, W.  & Templeton, C.N . Duet codes do not enhance neighbour recognition in two closely related species of duetting neotropical wrens. Journal of Avian Biology. 52:

*Keenan, E.L., Odom, K.J., Araya-Salas, M., Horton, K.G., Strimas-Mackey, M., *Meatte, M.A., Mann, N.I., Slater, P.J., Price, J.J. & Templeton, C.N. Breeding season length predicts duet coordination and consistency in Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287: 20202482.

^Pendergraft. L.T., Marzluff, J.M., Cross, D.J, Shimizu, T. &Templeton, C.N. American Crow Brain Activity in Response to Conspecific Vocalizations Changes When Food Is Present. Frontiers in Physiology, 12: 2016

^Schruth, D., Templeton, C.N., & Holman, D.J. On reappearance and complexity in musical calling. PLOS One: 6 (12), e0218006


^Barrett, L.P., ^Marsh, J.L., Boogert, N.J., Templeton, C.N., & Benson-Amram, S. Links between personality traits and problem-solving performance in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Royal Society Open Science 9: 212001

^Di Giovanni, J., Fawcett, T.W., Templeton, C.N., *Raghav, S., & Boogert, N.J. Urban gulls show similar thermographic and behavioral responses to human shouting and conspecific alarm calls. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 858


Templeton, C.N., *O'Connor, A., *Strack, A., *Meraz, F., Herranen, K. Traffic noise inhibits inhibitory control in wild-caught songbirds. iScience 26: 106650

Pendergraft, L.J.T., Marzluff, J.M., Cross, D.J., Shimizu, T., Templeton, C.N., American crows that excel at tool use activate neural circuits distrinct from less talented individuals. Nature Communications 14: 6539